Lichens look like doilies – their shapes and intricacies, as well as how they ‘drape’ over whatever they’re attached to. Lichens look like they’re protecting a surface, as doilies originally protected furniture from damage. However, the relationship between lichens and doilies is deeper and darker. Doilies are remnants of colonial times and, thus, represent climate destruction and its impact on our environment.
Lichens play a vital role in the ecosystems that they inhabit. They provide food and shelter, as well as contributing to nutrient cycles. Lichens are vulnerable to climate changes and, due to their slow growth, with some only growing 0.5mm per year, do not adapt quickly. They are the ‘canary in the coal mine’.
The spores for this body of work were germinated during an artist residency at Union House Arts, Port Union, NL, in August 2022.
Elegant Sunburst Lichen X Flowered Wheel Doily
33.5cm x 32.5cm x 3cm
crocheted and felted MacAusland’s wool doily embedded with knitted embroidery thread (with carton pull top ring inside)) ‘elegant sunburst’ apothecia( lichen spore pods); attached to NB slate.
Weather’s Coming I
PepperedRock Tripe X Round Doily
“Austin always said,’Look the rocks are black. We’re going to get weather.’”
( Rosemary, Fogo Island, NL)
dia 26cm x 2cm
crocheted and felted Lichen and Lace wool doily embedded with knitted embroidery thread (with wire inside) ‘peppered rock tripe’ lobes, and needle felted Belfast Mini Mills fleece ‘yellow map lichen’; attached to NB slate.
Weather’s Coming II
Peppered Rock Tripe & Cinder Lichen X Mini Cluster Doily
“Austin always said,’Look the rocks are black. We’re going to get weather.’”
( Rosemary, Fogo Island, NL)
30.5cm x 29cm x 4.5cm
crocheted and feltedBriggs & Little wool doily embedded with knitted embroidery thread (with wire inside) ‘peppered rock tripe’ lobes, and stitched Briggs & Little wool ‘cinder lichen’; attached to NB slate.
LittoralElegant Sunburst Lichen X Round Doily
38.5cm x 28cm x 2 cm
crocheted and felted MacAusland’s wool doily embedded with knitted embroidery thread ‘elegant sunburst’ apothecia( lichen spore pods), needle felted Belfast MiniMills fleece, and sewing thread mycelium; attached to NB slate.
Cinder Lichen X Pineapple Doily
28.5cm x 23.5 x 1cm
crocheted and
felted Lichen & Lace wool doily embedded with needle felted Belfast MiniMills fleece ‘cinder lichen’ and embroidery thread mycelium ; attached to NB slate.